Working on a small scale with small fields allows me to develop and grow bespoke forage crops for different livestock requirements. Using forage analysis and trialing seed mixes to see what works best in the growing conditions and for the animal’s health and nutrition.

Granja Artina

Growing for a small herd of Fresians in Ibiza

Can Jordi (5 ha) is sown with nutrient rich diverse species perennial plants to produce dry forage for a small herd of Dairy cows belonging to Gabriel Artina. Granja Artina makes delicious mozzarella, ricotta and raw cheese with their milk.

The crop will be Sanfoin based with a companion mix of grasses and a selection of wild legumes that naturally grow in Ibiza.

Gabriel will be following his cows’ health and condition in response to their new diet and monitoring the quantity, quality and taste of their milk with regular testing.

Learn more about the plants included in this diverse species forage mix and follow this trial here!


A pair of working Bretons

A mix of 22 different grasses, leguminous plants and meadow herbs has been sown for this pair of working Bretons.

These two beautiful stallions are doing heavy work so they will need more protein in their diet to keep them in top condition.

They weigh 1 ton each and get through 300kg of hay each a month, they are the horse power of Equitraccion, managed and trained by Roberto Contaldo.

We will do forage analysis and work closely with Roberto to develop the best quality diet for his horses.

Fields were sown late in January… Follow the field trial here

Talk to us about growing bespoke organic forage for your livestock and equines


Heritage Grains


Biodiversity & Investment