Mutually beneficial agreements between landowner and farmer for agro-ecological land stewardship.

Models of cooperation between farmers for reduction of inputs, supporting healthy soil, optimum nutrition of livestock and promoting premium productivity.

Access to Land

In this model a landowner who is not using their farmland cedes it for agro-ecological stewardship in the form of a mid term renewable lease.

The land is stewarded under agro-ecological principles improving soil health and reactivated for local production of organic forage and heritage wheat.

Please get in touch if you are interested in restoring your farmland with Herbal Hay

Contracts are negotiated and arranged through Banc De Terres D’Evissa an Access to Land project run by the Organic Producer’s Association of Eivissa and Formentera.

Introducing livestock to arable fields

Bringing livestock onto the fields to graze at certain times of the year means they have access to free good quality grazing whist fertilising the soil in the field used for growing their hay. A model that benefits the livestock farmer, the arable grower, the livestock and the soil.

Land Emblement by introducing herbal leys to an arable rotation

Herbal Hay benefits from the rights to grow and harvest on a neighbouring farm’s resting fields for four years. The collaborating farmer’s benefits as the soil is restored and regenerated ready to return the field to wheat and barley. Herbal Hay buys the seeds the farmer sows and harvests. Produce and seed production in final year is shared 50/50.




Recovering disused farmland